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General conditions


of Balkan Trading Company Ltd.

By using www.balkantrading.co and/or submitting an order to us , you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out herein (the "Terms"). Please ensure that you have read and understood the Terms before submitting your order.


For the purposes of these TERMS, the following terms are used with the following meanings:

Accepting Party - "Balkan Commercial Company - BTC" Ltd, UIC 207284263, Sofia. The Company's registered office shall be BTC BGC Ltd.

The term "STOCKS" shall mean those advertised in our catalogue. Each of the goods has basic characteristics, approximate image and selling price , which is visible after registration and approval by the administrator .
By "CUSTOMER" is meant a legal person who makes an order using our catalogue .
By "CUSTOMER PROFILE" is meant the information about the CUSTOMER (first name, last name, company or organization, address (city, area), zip code, telephone, e-mail address, UIC/ID number, VAT ID, MOL, etc.) provided by the latter when filling in the registration form and stored for the purposes set out in these TERMS AND CONDITIONS.
"SALE PRICE" shall mean the price inclusive of VAT for the territory of Bulgaria and respectively exclusive of VAT, if the order is for an EU member country, per unit, exclusive of delivery costs of the goods, except where expressly mentioned.

II.Use of the website as an information field. Every visitor could get acquainted with the current goods traded on the Bulgarian market. The goods are visualised, labelled with price and unit of measure, could also contain a short description. .


The publication of the main characteristics of the goods and their selling price in our Catalogue constitutes, in its essence, a public invitation within the meaning of Art. 290, par. 1 of the Commercial Act to make an offer to purchase goods in accordance with them.

-Offer to purchase goods

An order for goods may only be placed by wholesalers.

In order to make a valid purchase order for goods offered through our catalogue, the Customer must register (by filling in a registration form) or request by telephone for delivery of a good offered in the catalogue.

Registration information - the CUSTOMER shall provide the seller with the following information: company or organization name, UIC, MOL / person materially responsible /, telephone number, e-mail address, and whether he wishes to issue an invoice and/or other documents.

-Agreement with the GENERAL CONDITIONS - when placing an order, the customer is deemed to have read these, accepts them and undertakes to comply with them.
Any request by the CUSTOMER through a catalogue to purchase goods on the basis of these CONDITIONS shall be made in performance of the contract of sale. In the event of a dispute as to whose will it is to be bound by the text of these CONDITIONS, the person who is registered as the requestor of the goods shall be deemed to be a party to the contract.

-All prices of goods in the E-catalogue are in Bulgarian levs, including VAT (Registered customers who have specified that they have outlets in EU member states see prices excluding VAT). Prices are per unit quantity and do not include shipping costs unless explicitly stated.

-The price and delivery costs are determined after signing the purchase contract and are payable by bank transfer only.

The CUSTOMER, a consumer under the Consumer Protection Act, agrees to prepay for the goods.

-Delivery - the terms of delivery shall be set out in a separate purchase contract.

These GENERAL CONDITIONS are effective as of 1st January 2021. The Seller has the right to change these TERMS AND CONDITIONS at any time by promptly posting such changes on its website www.balkantrading.co . Changes to the GENERAL CONDITIONS shall not affect the relationship between the CUSTOMER and the Seller arising in connection with a validly placed purchase order prior to the changes.
The provisions of the current legislation of the Republic of Bulgaria shall apply to the matters not covered by these CONDITIONS.

Company Information

"Balkan Trading Company " Ltd.

Headquarters and address: 9 Acad.Yordan Trifonov Str. , Sofia , 1000, Bulgaria

VAT NO. 207284263

Contact: Reneta Todorova

Email: office@balkantrading.co

Phone: +359 876216895